Life With Cancer - Lets Fuck Cancer


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Life With Cancer

Treatment Checklist

Heading into your first treatment can be nerve-racking.

This list will help you feel prepared as you begin treatment. 

Download Checklist


You know that feeling when your stomach drops, your heart rate goes a mile a minute, or your palms get sweaty as soon as you find out you need a medical scan?

That’s called scanxiety and it sucks, but it’s also completely normal. You may feel stressed, worried, or anxious before a scan, during it, or while waiting for results. Unfortunately, scans are a critical part of cancer care that you won’t really be able to avoid. But over time, you can figure out coping mechanisms that work best for you to help manage scanxiety. 

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Things to get you through treatment

Patient Navigator

Personalized help 

FC CareLine

Food & Drink

Ginger chews, gum, tea, and more can help manage side effects


Playlists no matter your mood

Check Out Our Spotify


Find a therapist that works for you

Find a Therapist

Cozy Clothes

Stay cozy, warm, and proud in your FC merch


Gratitude & Meditation

Taking time to be thoughtful helps

Check Out Our Journal


Pass the time doing activities you enjoy like reading, watching movies, or doing puzzles

Get Help

There’s no shame in asking for help with your to-do list

Book a Task Rabbit

Treatment-Friendly Clothing

Get some clothes made for people going through it

Care + Wear

Feeling overwhelmed?

We can help.


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Dealing with cancer is hard. Visit our guide library to help navigate cancer’s impact on your heart, body, soul, and everything in between.



Patient, Caregiver

Building a Support System




Sex & Relationships During Cancer

Our programs

We provide programs for patients and caregivers across the country. See how we can help you.

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*dba Fuck Cancer, 2022. All rights reserved.

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