Cancer Screening Calculator - Lets Fuck Cancer


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Cancer Screening Calculator.

How risky are you?

There's a lot to consider when it comes to cancer. What screenings do you need and when should you start? What about self-exams? And what’s family history got to do with it? Knowing what cancer screenings to get and when to get them can make a world of life-saving difference for you and your loved ones. Let’s find out just how risky you are!
How old are you?
What is your sex?
If you were born with reproductive or sexual anatomy that doesn’t fit the traditional binary boxes of “female” or “male,” please run the calculator for both options and use the results that are relevant to your anatomy.
What is your race?
Are you or have you ever been a smoker?
Do you have a family history of any of these cancers?


Based on what you've told us, you should complete 0 screenings.

We're sorry, but you haven't returned any results.
|| 10-86 | female | native,asian,black,hispanic,island,white,none | yes,no | breast,colorectal,prostate,melanoma,ovarian,none


Screening Type:
We recommend...
Taking things into your own hands, Cancer Fucker. A breast self-exam should be done every month.
1 || 40-74 | female | native,asian,black,hispanic,island,white,none | yes,no | colorectal,prostate,melanoma,ovarian,none (Excl: breast)


Screening Type:
We recommend...
Getting a mammogram every 2 years.
2 || 40-74 | female | native,asian,black,hispanic,island,white,none | yes,no | breast


Screening Type:
We recommend...
Getting a mammogram at least every 2 years. Due to your family history, your doctor may suggest you get screened more regularly.
3 || 20-39 | female | native,asian,hispanic,island,white,none (Excl: black)| yes,no | breast


Screening Type:
We recommend...
Talking to your doctor about when to start routine mammograms. Due to your family history, your doctor may suggest you start screening before age 40.
4 || 20-39 | female | black | yes,no | breast


Screening Type:
We recommend...
Talking to your doctor about when to start routine mammograms. Due to your race and family history, your doctor may suggest you start screening before age 40.
5 || 20-39 | female | black | yes,no | colorectal,prostate,melanoma,ovarian,none (Excl: breast)


Screening Type:
We recommend...
Talking to your doctor about when to start routine mammograms. Due to your race, your doctor may suggest you start screening before age 40.
6 || 21-29 | female | native,asian,black,hispanic,island,white,none | yes,no | breast,colorectal,prostate,ovarian,none


Screening Type:
Pap Test
We recommend...
Getting your first Pap test. Your doctor will tell you how frequently you need to get screened depending on your Pap test results and family history of cervical cancer.
7 || 30-69 | female | native,asian,black,hispanic,island,white,none | yes,no | breast,colorectal,prostate,melanoma,ovarian,none


Preventative Measure:
Pap Test and/or HPV Test
We recommend...
Getting a Pap test and/or HPV test every 3-5 years depending on the type of screening you do, your results, and your family history of cervical cancer.

If you are older than 65, talk to your doctor about if you still need to complete a regular Pap test.
8 || 70-86 | female | native,asian,black,hispanic,island,white,none | yes,no | breast,colorectal,prostate,melanoma,ovarian,none


Screening Type:
Pap Test
We recommend...
Talking to your doctor about if you still need to complete a regular Pap test.
9 || 40-44 | female,male | native,asian,black,hispanic,island,white,none | yes,no | colorectal


Screening Type:
Stool Test or Colonoscopy
We recommend...
Talking to your doctor about starting screening before 45 years old if you or a close relative have had colorectal polyps or colorectal cancer, you have an inflammatory bowel disease such as Crohn’s disease or ulcerative colitis, or you have a genetic syndrome that increases your chances of colorectal cancer (i.e. FAP or Lynch Syndrome). The frequency of screenings depends on the type of screening you complete, your results, and if you're high risk.
10 || 45-79 | female,male | native,asian,black,hispanic,island,white,none | yes,no | breast,colorectal,prostate,melanoma,ovarian,none


Screening Type:
Stool Test or Colonoscopy
We recommend...
Starting regular colorectal cancer screenings. How frequently you get a stool test or colonoscopy depends on the type of screening you complete, your results, and if you’re high risk. Talk to a doctor to learn more.

If you are older than 75, ask your doctor if you need to continue screening.
11 || 80-85 | female,male | native,asian,black,hispanic,island,white,none | yes,no | breast,colorectal,prostate,melanoma,ovarian,none


Screening Type:
Stool Test or Colonoscopy
We recommend...
Asking your doctor if you need to continue screening.
12 || 9-14 | female,male | native,asian,black,hispanic,island,white,none | yes,no | breast,colorectal,prostate,melanoma,ovarian,none


Preventative Measure:
HPV Vaccine
We recommend...
Getting the HPV vaccine to prevent up to six types of cancer. You'll need to get 2 shots, given 6 months apart, to be protected.
13 || 15-26 | female,male | native,asian,black,hispanic,island,white,none | yes,no | breast,colorectal,prostate,melanoma,ovarian,none


Preventative Measure:
HPV Vaccine
We recommend...
Getting the HPV vaccine to prevent up to six types of cancer. You'll need to get 3 shots to be protected.
14 || 50-80 | female,male | native,asian,black,hispanic,island,white,none | yes,no | breast,colorectal,prostate,melanoma,ovarian,none


Screening Type:
Low-Dose CT Scan
We recommend...
Getting a lung cancer screening every year if you have a 20+ pack year history AND smoke now or used to smoke.
15 || 9-86 | female | native,asian,black,hispanic,island,white,none | yes,no | ovarian


Screening Type:
Clinical Exam
We recommend...
Talking to a doctor about your family history of ovarian cancer. They'll help you decide whether screening is right for you.
16 || 40-44 | male | native,asian,black,hispanic,island,white,none | yes,no | prostate


Screening Type:
Clinical Exam
We recommend...
Talking to your doctor about whether you should start screening for prostate cancer given your family history.
17 || 45-69 | male | black | yes,no | breast,colorectal,melanoma,ovarian,none (Excl: prostate)


Screening Type:
Clinical Exam
We recommend...
Talking to your doctor about whether you should be screened for prostate cancer.
18 || 45-49 | male | native,asian,hispanic,island,white,none (Excl: black)| yes,no | prostate


Screening Type:
Clinical Exam
We recommend...
Talking to your doctor about whether you should start screening for prostate cancer given your family history.
19 || 50-69 | male | native,asian,black,hispanic,island,white,none | yes,no | breast,colorectal,melanoma,ovarian,none (Excl: prostate)


Screening Type:
Clinical Exam
We recommend...
Talking to your doctor about whether you should be screened for prostate cancer.
20 || 9-86 | female,male | native,asian,black,hispanic,island,white,none | yes,no | breast,colorectal,prostate,melanoma,ovarian,none


Screening Type:
We recommend...
Checking yourself out! It’s time to get up close and personal with your special places. A skin self-exam should be done every month.
21 || 20-86 | female,male | native,asian,black,hispanic,island,white,none | yes,no | breast,colorectal,prostate,melanoma,ovarian,none


Screening Type:
Clinical Exam
We recommend...
Getting an annual skin check by a doctor if you are at high risk for skin cancer (i.e. light hair & eyes, history of frequent or intense sun exposure, 1+ blistering sunburn, personal or family history of skin cancer).
22 || 10-86 | male | native,asian,black,hispanic,island,white,none | yes,no | breast,colorectal,prostate,melanoma,ovarian,none


Screening Type:
We recommend...
Taking things into your own hands, Cancer Fucker. A testicular self-exam should be done every month.

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Look, our calculator is really cool and we’re super proud of it. We hope it points you in the right direction and sets you up for cancer screening success! That said, it’s no IRL doctor and does not mean that there aren’t other factors unique to you that you may need to consider. The point is, use this as a conversation starter with your doctor. Cancer is a team sport, and preventing and detecting it is no different.

Look, our calculator is really cool and we’re super proud of it. We hope it points you in the right direction and sets you up for cancer screening success!
Don’t forget to add these screenings to your calendar and use this list as a conversation starter with your doctor.

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